One foot at a time | One sole at a time | One hell of a good time


Monday, February 09, 2009

Wild Rugged Los Angeles - Barefoot

Barefoot Ted and Erwan Le Corre at the summit of the Verdugos.

From the top of the Verdugo Mountains looking down on LA

BFT with Sesi Genen (Snow Shaman) in Trail Canyon | Photo by Ben Fury

BFT, Ben Fury & Erwan Le Corre
The River

The Falls

Later I learned how to do this balancing without arms out

I took Erwan for a run in the Verdugos after he had been in LA for a few days. The Verdugos are definitely a challenging terrain for bare feet, but he adapted quickly. Our hike started by heading up a little explored creek bed and running into an abandoned marijuana farm!!! We are lucky to be alive.

Thanks to Ben Fury for taking me and Erwan for an excellent barefoot hike up Trail Canyon with his dogs Koko and Sesi on Sunday. It was a perfect day with a break in the rain. The river and mountains just as gorgeous as can be. Erwan was able to share with Ben his fitness and natural movement philosophy called MovNat, Explore Your True Nature...see

We got so inspired by the hike, we decided to do a similar hike the two days later going up Stone Canyon to the peak of Mt. Lukens, highest point in the city of LA.



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