Angeles Crest 100 Idlehour Aid Station

Joe Franco, Don Merten and Barefoot Ted setting up Aid Station

This biggest and the smallest drop bags at Idlehour Aid Station

Deb Clem, Joe, Don and BT early evening

Idlehour Group Assembled

Tarahumara Guests

Tarahumara Guests

Tarahumara Guests
What an day/day. Start up to Mt. Wilson at 1 pm to meet up with Joe and Don at 2 pm. Drove 5 miles down to Idlehour Aid Station and began setting up. First runner came through at around 7 pm. Ran back up to car a 3:30 am to get home in time to run the Hansen Dam 10 Miler.
Labels: angeles_crest_100, huaraches, tarahumara, ultramarathon
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