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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Why run barefoot?

This is a nice little video demonstrating why barefoot or minimal running is beneficial.

From YouTube: Same runner, same day, with no instruction given in between videos. On the left, correct nice SHOE LESS forefoot strike. On the right, incorrect, with SHOES, heel strike, braking, straining. Sneakers are designed to affect the way our foot strikes the ground, yet in this video you see it affects what we do in the air. Try this experiment yourself.


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Blogger Barefoot Ted said...

So, what is the ideal shoe from the perspective of a barefooter?

I say the following:

1. Lightweight - less than 5 ounces (140 grams)
2. Extremely flexible - don't control my foot thank you.
3. No support - none
4. No cushioning - none
5. Wide - freedom for feet to be whatever they are
6. Thin-soled - we want to FEEL the ground
7. Puncture proof - added safety
8. Durable - they should last
9. Easy on and off
10. Portable and easy to stow
11. Fair trade made
12. Green - earth safe materials
13. Breathable - not holding moisture
14. Good grip

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blogger JimQPublic said...


Though I mostly walk, that video is definitely why I get shin splints even using top notch shoes from a top notch shop.

I've been trying to walk and run with a neutral foot strike but it's very difficult with the heel raised above the forefoot.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Blogger Dave said...

Well, those criteria pretty much nail the Vibram FiveFinger product dead on. I've been a barefoot convert for about 8 months and I can never look back. I used to think that terrible shin splints, back/knee/ankle were just a part of putting in the training miles. NOT SO! Thanks to articles by trailblazers like BFT on the benefits of barefooting, I now am pain free and currently working on developing tough hardy soles for long technical treks. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for this life-altering discovery!!!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Anonymous Mona said...

I have a question... this all makes so much sense (and I sit here looking at my feet and the pains I've endured - just from walking)...

But would going barefoot or using feelmax type shoes work for someone who enjoys getting the cardiovascular workout from a brisk walk (at 4mph+)

Just wondering. Maybe I'll take up running and it wont hurt so bad anymore!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blogger Barefoot Ted said...

Barefoot and other minimal shoes, including in particular FeelMax and FiveFingers, can be used for walking too.

The one thing that many barefoot teachers suggest is to try and walk more ball-heel-ball, with short, quick, light steps rather than the heel-strike walk so common with heeled shoes.

Give it a try and let us know what you find.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Anonymous Mona said...

I looked at the Feelmax and the Fivefingers... I think I'd rather try the feelmax first (rather than have each toe enclosed at first)... but can you get Feelmax in the united states yet? Hmmmmmm.

What do you think, BFT? Any ideas? :)

Thanks again. This is all very cool.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Anonymous Robert Troch said...

Hi Ted,
I finally got over to your site and love what I see. I live in NYC (Brooklyn) and have been experimenting (in the warm months) with barefoot jogging using Vibram's and while it does some getting used to it is definitely worth it. A little tougher to find places to run here though. I'm not crazy about concrete and asphalt but laps inside the local park work ok. I want to get down to the beach at Coney Island and try regular runs there. Anyway...keep up the great work!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Blogger Unknown said...

Just a question... I was inspired by yours and others' accounts of the benefits of barefoot running. I got really excited and jumped right into it, and loved it immediately. However, after a few longer/nastier runs, I've developed a few bad blisters. Any advice on dealing with this? It's forced me back into shoes for the moment. I have to run on a lot of concrete/asphalt unfortunately.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found your website after reading "Born to Run"
I'm only 29 and I had microfracture surgery on my knee. The cause was said to be from too much running. As part of my rehab, I will be engaging in barefoot running and I owe it to you for my inspiration!


Saturday, August 01, 2009

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this video. I used to run barefoot many years ago even on pavement with no problems, but gradually got away from it (brainwashed little by little?). I've been so happy running in my $4 Walmart aqua socks over the past year and now I've been going out with nothing more frequently! Nature knows best...

Friday, November 06, 2009


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