My Barefoot Running Partners: Edgar & Hiko
I've been busy. The last month has been an amazing adventure for me.
In November, Leah and I adopted another Siberian Husky (and Samoyed mix?) from the Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue organization. His name is Hiko (a name that means ice in the Inuit language). He was a dog slated for euthanasia.
He had some problems in Oregon...killing chickens and also is on medication for epilepsy. Not a big selling point for most adopters. We would be his third owner in his short 3 year lifetime. But, we knew we would all get along just fine, that he would quickly fit in with our pack and get what he needed most: lots of love and lots of exercise. He got it and he's now thriving!
I am fascinated by the co-evolution of humans and dogs. I have become an urban musher taking the dogs out on running adventures every afternoon. Leah runs them every morning and then another walk before bed. Lots of movement. Lots of play. Lots of sleeping. Lots of happy dogs and humans!
Hiko has become a permanent member of our little tribe. I am amazed by his intelligence and charm...his depth of soul...and his running strength. 6 weeks ago he was a dog with an uncertain future. Now he is a strong and happy dog, full of life and radiating good cheer to all whom he encounters...with a little help from his friends. Amazing how the universe works.
The new year and decade are upon us all. It has been an amazing year for me. I look forward to sharing my adventures with all of you and hearing your stories as they unfold in 2010. Be well...and see you next year.
Barefoot Ted
In November, Leah and I adopted another Siberian Husky (and Samoyed mix?) from the Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue organization. His name is Hiko (a name that means ice in the Inuit language). He was a dog slated for euthanasia.
He had some problems in Oregon...killing chickens and also is on medication for epilepsy. Not a big selling point for most adopters. We would be his third owner in his short 3 year lifetime. But, we knew we would all get along just fine, that he would quickly fit in with our pack and get what he needed most: lots of love and lots of exercise. He got it and he's now thriving!
I am fascinated by the co-evolution of humans and dogs. I have become an urban musher taking the dogs out on running adventures every afternoon. Leah runs them every morning and then another walk before bed. Lots of movement. Lots of play. Lots of sleeping. Lots of happy dogs and humans!
Hiko has become a permanent member of our little tribe. I am amazed by his intelligence and charm...his depth of soul...and his running strength. 6 weeks ago he was a dog with an uncertain future. Now he is a strong and happy dog, full of life and radiating good cheer to all whom he encounters...with a little help from his friends. Amazing how the universe works.
The new year and decade are upon us all. It has been an amazing year for me. I look forward to sharing my adventures with all of you and hearing your stories as they unfold in 2010. Be well...and see you next year.
Barefoot Ted
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Labels: barefoot_running, fivefingers, volunteer_park
good to hear from you. i'm new to BF running and have been reading all of your great posts - i'm learning lots - thanks! beautiful dogs, btw. many happy wishes for the new year ahead:)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
What a great pack! I miss my husky. Can't wait to adopt another one. Love the slow motion shot. :-)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Glad to hear you're good. I was wondering what happened to you.
All the best in the new Decade.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Welcome back! I'm moving back to Seattle in March, we'll have to get your guys and my Alaskan Husky Shira together for a run'n'romp...I'll be just below Interlaken!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Important message for us all in your words, Ted - "lots of love and lots of exercise". Imagine, how the world would change.
So much fun to run with you and Hiko in December - your inspiration, energy, and enthusiasm is a blessing to us all!
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy New Year, Ted, from another fan. I'm suffering - and I hope recovering - from plantar fasciitis, and after about 15 years of 'corporate' running, hope to rebuild from scratch in 2010 the BFT way. My son got me one of your sandal kits for my birthday and I can't wait to try them out.
Chicken killer? Didn't you have a goose in one of your videos? I'm just saying...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
P.S. : Tell us about those spiffy knickers!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thanks folks!
BTW, the knickers are part of my bicycle gear in preparation for my 1890 Ironman :-)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Last June, I adopted a dog from our local SPCA, a 1 year old pit mix who would have been euthanized. She is such a wonderful dog, and I know I wouldn't be running without her - especially in the Northeast winter. Just this morning, I woke up and there's no way I would have run - I would have talked myself out of it EASILY. But I felt a responsibility to walk my wonderful dog. So I put on my gear (and hers :) ), grumbling the whole time, and out we went into a snowy morning. And... it was beautiful. It took my breath away. And my dog was so joyful to be out and moving, and I became joyful with her. And I thanked her and thanked her for giving me this morning - and all the other mornings and evenings she gives me that I wouldn't have given myself.
So dogs are wonderful. I'm so happy that we saved our wonderful dog, and I'm so happy for Hiko - and you - that you saved him. :)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wow! What an awesome story and pictures of the three barefoot runners! :) Thank you so much! And also thanks for the update...
May I have permission to have your story of Hiko printed in Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue's newsletter SPEAKS the next time it comes out? You both have certainly written what a joy it has been to save Hiko and to bring him into your lives and to enjoy him every day.
I am so grateful and indebted to you both for making him part of your family. You both came along when Hiko needed you the most. It is extremely obvious how happy and content he is with all of you! I can never thank you enough.
I hope you'll be able to make it to our picnic next summer; it's for adopters and volunteers with our rescue group. I'll send you an invite when its about a month away, usually in July.
Thank you a million times over... it's people like you that help those of us in rescue trudge on trying to save those we can for a better future.
Cyndi Michelena
Siberian Husky Rep
Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thank you Cyndi!
Thank you for what you do!
Thank you for helping us find Hiko.
Have a great new year.
Best Regards, BFT
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Ted, I bet Hiko would benefit if you put him on a raw dog food diet. I have heard dogs with aliments turn around when given food they are designed for. All four of our dogs are raw.
It may not cure is epilespy but could greatly reduce his symptoms and meds. With two of our big dogs, we feed them the cheapest meat/bones we can find at the stores. What ever is on sale, usually under $1.29lb. Then we throw some of our compost at them and let them pick out what fruit and veggies they like. Anyway if want to know more and I will shoot you an email.
-barefooter, raw foodist in the seattle area
Monday, January 04, 2010
Awww what a beautiful addition to your family! Hiko is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him, he's a beauty.
I'm brand new to running and starting out slowly, the barefoot way. Thank you for your inspiration!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Great post on the dog team. My wife is a musher and I run/canicross/skijor with our samoyeds, malamutes, and Alaskan husky. They thrive on running and are great motivators (why are you stopping ? why walk when we could be ruuuuuunnnnnning ?). My main frustration is that half the year it is too warm for them to be running much. Anyway, love your blog.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I've been barefoot running on and off for about a two years and when I do runs that include lots of hills over 1/2 hr my knees have some soreness tenderness. I've been checking out chi running as well, but I'm still missing something...
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I go running with my belgian shepherd on the lead. I tend to tense up the upper body on the side he runs even rthough he's very good at not pulling. where can you get the hands-free lead attachment? Seems much safer than holding it. Or maybe I just need another dog for symmetry!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Can you please provide input on what gear you use when running with dogs?
I would be so concerned about my ability to control my dog without causing injury to myself when running barefoot if the dog's prey drive took priority over running with its master.
From the pictures you've posted it looks like you use a variety of collars/harnesses... what works best for you? Also on long runs, do you find yourself more encumbered by extra water for the dogs and such?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Hello, how far do you run with your huskies? I would like to rescue a dog in the near future and would also like to take him/her running with me.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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