Boston Marathon - 3:20:16 - re-qualify!!!
Howdy Folks

Photos by Greg M. Cooper. Copyright Vibram USA

Just got back to my hotel after running the Boston Marathon in 3:20:16 wearing FiveFingers shoes.
Firstly, let me say that Boston is a tough course. However, I set out to do 3:20, and I did it, so for that I am grateful. With this time, I re-qualify for Boston for my age group 40-45.
As photos become available, and I have more energy, I will write about my experience.
Until then...
Best Regards, Barefoot Ted
PS. A BIG! thank you to all the folks at Vibram USA for making this trip possible. You guys rock (are 41 year olds supposed to use that phrase?)!
Labels: fivefingers, marathon
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