Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon - Week in Review
The above slideshow complete with Phillip Glass music was put together using photos from taken by several members of the Grupo Animales otherwise known as Club Mas Loco.
These photos cover the beginning to the end of the trip, including the hike over from Batopilas to Urique the pre-race ceremony, the race and post-race celebration.
Results from ( : The Ultra Marathon had 38 starters and 20 finishers.
1) Scott Jurek (33)--El Venado--Chumari'--Washington-- 6:32
2) Arnulfo (27)--Chepatare--Batopilas canyon 6:50
3) Billy Barnett (22)--El Rana Lobo--Wolf Frog--Virginia 6:59
4) Jenn Shelton (23)--La Brujita--Little Witch--Virginia 7:00
5) Manuel Luna (42)--Gavilana--Batopilas canyon 7:47
6) Arnulfocito (18)--Santa Rita--Batopilas canyon 8:00
7) Nacho Palma (42)--Quirare--Batopilas canyon 8:03
8) Martin Gallito (21)--Chepatare--Batopilas canyon 8:10
9) Leonardo Cleto (22)--Piedras Verdes, Urique canyon 8:12
10) Jose Hilario (22)--Piedras Verdes, Urique canyon 8:13
11) Sebastiano (37)--San Jose, Batopilas canyon 8:16
12) Mike Adams (38)--El Perro Grande-Big Dog-Washington 8:48
13) Micah True (54)--El Caballo Blanco--White Horse--???? 8:58
14) Barefoot Ted McDonald (42)--El Mono--Monkey--California 9:44
15) Charlie Crissman (38)--El Buho--The Owl--Washington 9:54
16) Chriss Labbe (37)--El Cabro--The goat--Colorado 10:02
17) Jamil Courey (22)--El Carnero--The Ram--Arizona 10:16
18) Deborah Bezanis (49)--La Cebolla--The Onion-Chicago 11:33
19) Samuel Warren (38)--El Girafa--The Giraffe--Washington 11:33
20) 36 miler: Leah Jurek (30)--La Venada--Dear--Washington 8:20
Labels: club_mas_loco, copper_canyon, tarahumara, ultramarathon, video
Way to go, Ted! Thanks for posting the vids and pics. Looks like you had a fun time.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I was wondering if you could point me to a video of runners with a good view of their feet landing. I heard landing toe to heel is the way to go but it seems akward to me.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
It is very simple to see what ball-heel-ball running is like...just take off your shoes and run.
If you land on your heels, it will feel awkward.
Go to to read about running form.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Are you still selling Vibram Huaraches? If so, I would be very interested in purchasing some. Email me at
Thank you
Friday, April 13, 2007
Yes, I am selling the huaraches.
They are not Vibram huaraches. They are Vibram-soled huaraches.
I really do not think that any shoe company will ever make a simple huarache...the way they should be made. They are just too simple..., yet fully functional.
Less = More
Yes, I am making them and selling them. I have learned some new tricks too after my last trip down to the Copper Canyon.
If you want to order, send me the outlines of your feet along with a mark where the gap is between you big and second toe.
Send to:
Barefoot Ted's Adventures
11001 Peoria St.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
You can include a check for $45.00 to cover making the shoes and shipping them back to you, or you can PayPal me at:
Friday, April 13, 2007
Just finished "Born to Run" and am gobbling up all the BFR info I can. Your site is delicious! Loved you in the book, you made me cry. Thanks for the great site and links.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wow! The slideshow is such a great complement to how I imagined things when reading Born to Run.
Keep up the great (foot)work, BFT!
Monday, July 20, 2009
I too, have just finished reading "Born To Run" and all I can say is WOW!!!
In addition to what I have read in Danny Dreyer's book "ChiRunning" I went down to the beac and barefoot-ran for over an hour today!! I am by no means ever considered myself a runner, but damn it felt good!!
I'll be hanging around these here parts from now on, great stuff Ted, Cheers!!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
i thought scott came in second? How come you show him as coming in first?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
This is the race report from 2007...the second year. The book Born to Run is about the 2006 race.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Hey Ted my name is Marcel Uttech and I have just finished reading the Book 'Born to Run'. My mind was blown with so much new information to ponder on my long runs! I am a member of the Lapham Peak Trail Runners here in WI, and just finished my first ultra this year. I am totally into trail running and going long! I have been looking into the Vibram five finger shoes to use for training in while I am hoping to make the transition to "less is more". I am interested in these sandals you make- think I could order a pair from you? Please let me know what I need to do! I can be reached at
Would sure appreciate any help on this! So let me get this right,Scott beat Arnulfo the next time around? wow. I am fascinated by your life of adventure! Man you are living the dream! Happy Trails Ted!
-Marcel Uttech, WI
Sunday, May 09, 2010
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