Angeles Crest 100 - 27 Hours
Thanks to Wild Mountain Runner founder Freddie Perez for giving me a ride to Wrightwood and support during the race. Big thank yous to Arturo Valdez and Jose Hernandez who paced me from Chilao. Thanks to Chris Rios, Deb Clem and Sunny Blende for aid station helped a lot.

Coming into Buckhorn photo by Christina Hennessey
More to come...

Coming into Buckhorn photo by Christina Hennessey
More to come...
Video of me entering 52 mile checkpoint
My report to the Ultra group:
Howdy Folks
I surprised myself big time this weekend.
My goal was to finish better than last year.
Last year's goal was simple: to finish...alive.
Last year's time: 32:16 This year: 27:00
Prerace: pizza and beer with Freddie Perez in Wrightwood. Two
Newcastles and 7 pieces. Also, spaghetti dinner.
Sleep: not so good at the Methodist Camp in same building as the
visiting Tarahumara along with Chris Rios and John Radich. Only slept
a little, but Jenn Shelton visited me in my dreams, so can't complain.
This year I ran in two different prototype FiveFingers that cover the
entire foot preventing crap from getting in the shoe. I had NO chance
to test the shoes before the race. I also wore Injinji socks borrowed
from Robert Andrulis as I left mine at home. These helped me
Finally had a chance to wear my Dirty Girl gators, and my Moeben
sleeves that Gary Hilliard threw at me as a prize as I was leaving the
Mt. Disappointment post-race party. Both were extremely effective
although Ken Hamada said I looked unusual, i.e., like a freak.
Nutrition. This year I used drop boxes. I prepared my own powder
using a mixture of malto dextrin, soy protein, Green Foods Green
Magma, E-Caps powder and Chia seeds.
GU: 2 an hour
Watermelon at many aid stations.
Progresso Chicken soup, drank cold out of the can 2 times, trick
learned from Flaco Mendoza.
Idlehour aid station: solid food and Miso soup. Thanks Joe. This is
the place to stop and eat at mile 82.
A lot of help from my friends.
PS. I leave for Greece on Saturday, filming and crewing for Scott.
Howdy Folks
I surprised myself big time this weekend.
My goal was to finish better than last year.
Last year's goal was simple: to finish...alive.
Last year's time: 32:16 This year: 27:00
Prerace: pizza and beer with Freddie Perez in Wrightwood. Two
Newcastles and 7 pieces. Also, spaghetti dinner.
Sleep: not so good at the Methodist Camp in same building as the
visiting Tarahumara along with Chris Rios and John Radich. Only slept
a little, but Jenn Shelton visited me in my dreams, so can't complain.
This year I ran in two different prototype FiveFingers that cover the
entire foot preventing crap from getting in the shoe. I had NO chance
to test the shoes before the race. I also wore Injinji socks borrowed
from Robert Andrulis as I left mine at home. These helped me
Finally had a chance to wear my Dirty Girl gators, and my Moeben
sleeves that Gary Hilliard threw at me as a prize as I was leaving the
Mt. Disappointment post-race party. Both were extremely effective
although Ken Hamada said I looked unusual, i.e., like a freak.
Nutrition. This year I used drop boxes. I prepared my own powder
using a mixture of malto dextrin, soy protein, Green Foods Green
Magma, E-Caps powder and Chia seeds.
GU: 2 an hour
Watermelon at many aid stations.
Progresso Chicken soup, drank cold out of the can 2 times, trick
learned from Flaco Mendoza.
Idlehour aid station: solid food and Miso soup. Thanks Joe. This is
the place to stop and eat at mile 82.
A lot of help from my friends.
PS. I leave for Greece on Saturday, filming and crewing for Scott.
Labels: angeles_crest_100, fivefingers, injinji, video, wild_mountain_runners
Way to go, Ted!
Monday, September 17, 2007
FiveFingers with gaiters? Best idea ever! I hate it when dirt gets in them!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Congratulations - that is a serious achievement!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I see from Wikipedia you got yourself another belt buckle. Well done - i hope you have enough trousers for all those buckles!!
Are you going for he Western Slam barefooted or almost barefooted?
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Wow, 27 hours you are awesome. I was thrilled to get 28:24. I'll watch for you on the trails.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
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