One foot at a time | One sole at a time | One hell of a good time


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mt. Disappointment 50K - Barefoot

People ask: Why run 31 miles on tough mountain trails barefoot?
My answer: Because I can.

Photo with Ruperto Romero, 2nd Place for 5o miler

Almost there! Photo Ben Jones


So, I ran the Mt. Disappointment 50K on Saturday. What a fantastic, tough race in the beautiful, rugged mountains above Los Angeles.

Ever since Trail Runner magazine called me the "Tiger Woods of Barefoot Trail Running", I have felt compelled to try and live up to the name despite a major weakness in the analogy department.

Since I was not familiar with most of the course, I did carry a pair of FiveFingers along just in case, but I never did need to use them, not because the course was easy; rather, I ran it very cautiously and thoughtfully, avoiding unnecessary trauma and never getting out of control.

This course is a fantastic course to test for a masters division in barefoot trail running. It is not a course for the faint of heart; however, most of it is quite barefoot friendly, mostly a delight for the feet, but not all.

I want to say a big thank you to Gary Hilliard and a host of volunteers, friends and family for putting together a beautiful experience. I plan on going back next year.




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