OC 100 Kilometer (62 mile) Race - Barefoot
So, my goal was to run it under 10 hours and 30 minutes in order to qualify for the Spartathlon. All was on pace until around mile 45. I could tell that my legs did not have it in them to keep going at the necessary pace, so I slowed down and enjoyed chatting with fellow runner Dmitri Chechuy.

In order to keep it as close to the conditions of the Spartathlon as possible, I never ran on the dirt trail that ran parallel to the course. I stayed on the asphalt which is what I will have to do in Greece...for 153 miles!
Ended up finishing in 11 hours and 52 minutes. Those last miles were very tough with worn out legs and sensitive feet, but I knew I could do it injury free, so I continued. Plus, like many endurance runners, we like to do it because we can.

A Big!!! thank you to the legendary Barefoot KenBob for crewing me during the race and taking video and film footage. Thanks!
Photos courtesy KenBob Saxton and RunningBarefoot.org
Labels: barefoot, barefoot_running
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