Leadville Trail 100 - Footwear & Nutrition
Howdy Folks
The big day moves closer. I am getting my stuff all lined out. Per usual, I have mixed my own sports drink: 3 parts maltodexrtrin, 1 part Nutiva Hemp Protein, 1/2 part Green Magma and some rehydration salts. I will take this at every aid station.
This time I have mixed up my own sports gel using Hammer Gel (thanks Cabro) mixed with Nutiva Shelled Hemp seeds. This is a new mix for me, so very much interested in seeing how it goes. The nutrition found in hemp seeds is mind boggling.
Footwear will be primarily FiveFingers, but I may wear huaraches on long, flat, rocky sections. I may be too lazy to switch back and forth, especially when it is raining. In my experience, huaraches are not so good in rain. We shall see.
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