JUNE 14th, 24-HOUR ULTRASKATE IV - World Record Set
See a list of skateboard world records here. See newly added video clip below...
Photo by Taylor Barrett, more of his photos here.

Beyond my expectations...I set a new world record for 24 hour distance skateboarding...242 miles at this years Ultraskate IV... Find more information at PavedWave.org...
from PavedWave.org forum...
Howdy Folks

Went skateboarding over at Volunteer Park. Really enjoyed it...even feeling stronger.
A HUGE HUGE thank you to James Peters and all the crew in Seattle. It is hard to believe that I had never even heard of Long Distance Pumping before April 1st this year! What a blessing to have met James on that day at Green Lake.
Couple weeks later, James lets me borrow that magic board. My gawd what a beautiful, magical thing it is...Subsonic Pulse 40.
After James let me borrow the board, I rode like a maniac for days and days...crashed...took a couple weeks to recover...went to LA for some healing sun and great training rides...and then back to Seattle.

I am going to write down more about my experience during the ride, but just to let everyone know my secrets:
1. Be sure you have an excellent LDP (long distance pumping) board...I did (see Subsonic Pulse 40).
2. Train yourself to run an ultramarathon...i.e., learn how to pace youself for a full 24 hours
3. Study about 24 hour nutrition and hydration and electrolyte needs. Nutrition is key. In my case, I relied on my own special sports nutrition drink mix which includes maltodextrin, soy or hemp protein powder, Green Magma powder and Rehydration Salts. I also ate GU's and Hammer Gels and drank some coffee. I also took two Advil during the race and 1 Succeed! S-Cap every 2 hours.

4. Have strong healthy feet...and let them have the freedom to move around to get blood flowing everywhere...that's why I wore my Vibram FiveFinger shoes...allowed my foot to do what it does best.
I went into the event just trying to see what it would be like to go 100 miles..., but the weather was perfect and the energy strong. I just could feel Eric Lowell's energy and his energy got me inspired to keep going too. I was determined to go the full 24 hours and Eric helped me have someone to follow.
After some rest and some skating today, I have come to the conclusion that someday, someone in this sport is going to achieve 300 miles in 24 hours. Before yesterday, I would have said that 220 is impossible...

So all you out there, live strong and push the envelope of the possible...
Look forward to seeing you on the giant paved wave...
PS. A big thank you goes out to my cousin Robert Renfro and SCI, Technology Without Intrusion for sponsoring my travel to this event.

Labels: fivefingers, long_distance_pumping, skateboarding
Beautiful to witness the energy flowing through the body as it does yours, Ted. Joy is brought to those blessed enough to witness the ease of your movement on the board and through the world. Magical!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Nice job, Ted! Amazing you're now a WORLD RECORD HOLDER!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Well done, BFT. I never know what's next with you.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Congratulations! A world record indeed for a newbie to the sport - AMAZING!
"Almost Barefoot Richard"
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Wow Ted, you continue to amaze me with your accomplishments!! I love longboarding, I have a nice 4 foot Sector Nine Pintail I bought 10 years ago. I have always skated barefoot and I used my FF Classics for skating when I first got them last year.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Hi Ted,
What an exciting, wonderful time for you! Congratulations on a World Record. Well done. I remember skateboarding barefoot as a kid, isn't it great we can still enjoy all the same things as adults? And you can set a World Record doing it?
See you in Leadville,
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Really like what my friend Barefoot Jon wrote about the ride:
Ted -
omedetou gozaimasu in smashing the old record of 208 miles and setting a world record of some 250 miles in 24 hours of skateboarding. I was thinking that meeting up with you at 10:30 p.m on the 2.8 mile bike/pedestrian paths around Green Lake more than 14 hours after your 8:00 am start would allow me to join you on several circuits.
NOT! You were like an efficient perpetual motion machine in perfect balance on the top of the board as if undulating an invisible hula hoop to power you around and around the lake as the sun set, moon came up and set, sky started getting light and dawn broke as your lapping me increased from once for every three of my circuits to every other lap without any let-up. I could only shake my head in awe.
I got to see you even more when I switched to running through the rest of the night in the darkness as the waxing gibbous moon set slipped behind the lakeside trees until the silence of my running was only broken every fifteen minutes or so by the soft whirring of you wheels and the swoosh of air as you slipstreamed by even sometimes arousing me from occasional sleep-running/walking to the reality of the magnitude of what you were accomplishing in those 24 hours.
You were going so fast, and with at least six walkers on the paths even at 3am, it would seem that any lack of your concentration would have spelled disaster at those speeds. Did you have any close calls?
I’ll never forget getting to be an observer to your great accomplishment.
The day - and night - were impressive testimony the advantages of your ultra-marathoning experience and knowing how to pace yourself (though it seemed to me that you were at full speed all the time!), plus the advantage of having strong gripping feet from our barefoot running. It was especially amazing that you've done little, if any (certainly not even close to the 250 miles you ended up doing), skateboarding to speak of for more than 20 years and setting the record based on just on being in great shape anyway and long since unused muscle memory.
honto ni congratulations.
- barefoot jon.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Haven't seen much in the way of skateboarding posts lately, you going to be doing that again this year?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Good question.
I kinda retired from the board sometime after the STP (Seattle to Portland) ride I did last year.
I was in LA from Sept to Jan and did not do too much riding there.
May take it up again, but it is not the focus of my athletic training I am doing at the moment...
I HIGHLY recommend Long Distance Pumping (www.pavedwave.org) skateboarding for an EXCELLENT way to train for endurance, rhythm and balance...you can hardly beat it and it is definitely a good skill to master...IMHO.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
beautiful and nice
Friday, July 16, 2010
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