Interviewed by the UK's Marathon Talk Podcast
Earlier this week I was interviewed by Tom Williams of Marathon Talk (, a popular Podcast on running based in the United Kingdom.
Tom's interview with me starts at 25:45 and continues until 1:14:58
I am indeed a loquacious spokesmonkey, almost embarrassingly so, yet I think some good comes out of all this can judge for yourself.
Yours Truly, BFT
Download Podcast here.
Labels: barefoot_running, interview, luna_sandals
I'm now thinking of buying a pair of the Runamoc shos :]
Friday, July 23, 2010
listened to the interview, definately going to experiment over the winter. is there a minimalist shoe more suited to cold conditions?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
@Pual: I ran through last winter in a pair of Feelmax shoes, and coupled with super thin merino-wool socks it works great.
I was running in sub -20C conditions at the coldest, and my feet never felt cold (!).
Any shoe that encloses the foot and allows you to wear a pair of thin socks should be OK for running in the winter.
I tried a pair of VFF sprints with toe socks, and that did not work for me, had break and return back home as my feet were getting too could.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Just heard the podcast a few days ago and thanks for your insight on the barefoot running. I actually just found out about this a few weeks ago, when a fellow runner friend of mine said he was getting this VFF shoe thing. Thanks for sharing your insights on bare foot running. You had touched base on the nanotechnology side of your foot healing and your foot adapting. I am aware of your body making adaptations to your surroundings or what is going on, but how does the foot cope with such a beating after being "casted" in a running shoe for so long? Is there a gradual step up when bare foot running. If I were to do this, I would not buy VFFs. What would the point be?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Good Luck with the new sandal. I'm a regular listener to Marathon Talk. Your interview was great, you put your points across very well :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
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