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Monday, October 18, 2010

Luna Sandal Company Spokesmonkey - Me

Spokesmonkey at work!

Luna Sandal Company |

Thank you for your ongoing support.  We appreciate your participation in our little company’s expansion and development.  We are grateful and love what we are doing.

Our philosophy: we are interested in the designs of traditional sandals from all over the world, sandals made out of natural, sustainable materials that are easy to make by hand with simple tools.  We believe that the minimalist footwear traditions are part of our shared heritage and that we should preserve them and encourage others to do the same.

Our production sandals represent the best fruits of our experiences and experiments with old-school footwear and gleanings from insights that we have gathered from both our ancestors and our customers.  Through small-scale, sustainable production, we give a growing audience a chance to try what we consider to be fine minimalist running sandals that happen to be great everyday footwear too. 

In the coming months the Luna Sandal website ( will develop into a place where you can share your experiences, get advice from other users, find resupplies and view the various production and custom sandals available.  Your feedback and shared experiences are crucial to our continued growth and improvement.

Hecho en Los Estados Unidos de América by happy monkeys for happy monkeys.

¡Muchas Gracias!  the Luna Sandal Team.

Luna partners include: Barefoot Ted, and the brothers Jules & Bookis Smuin

PS.  By the way, we are constantly testing new materials and designs and will be releasing new models featuring recycled tire soles by the end of next month.  Stay tuned.

PSS.  If you are in Seattle, be sure to come on by the Factory for a Factory Tour...set up an appointment online at

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Las Lunas are hecho en Los Estados Unidos de América by happy monkeys for happy monkeys.

¡Muchos Gracias!

would be...
Las Lunas están hechas
Las Lunas son hechas

MuchAs Gracias...

But we love you anyway Ted!!!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Anonymous Rigor said...

I dont find FiveFingers on sale in Portugal :(

I am preparing myself for half marathon and I nedd training tips

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Anonymous Nathan said...

I'm not sure where to leave a comment like this so I thought I would try here.

I'm slowly transitioning into barefoot running (from Vibrams). During my transition to minimalist running earlier in the year, I pulled might right calf muscle, rested for two weeks, then my left calf muscle. Now I've pulled my right again. This is frustrating. Did you have any similar experience in your transition?

Thanks for any advice,
Nathan "MacMhagan" Matthews
Barefoot in DC

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Anonymous keepitnatural said...


the sandals look great. I'll order a pair. Not sure which one yet, though.

But I'd like to know your opinion on the Agion silver anti odor/antimicrobial technology.
They seem to be incorporated into most barefoot shoes now like FIvefingers or EvoTerraplana.
I don't see the reason for this. I've never had smelly feet or shoes.
They claim that the stuff is natural and non-toxic. But haven't we been told similarly before only to find out later that it's at least controversial, like artificial sweeteners or anti stick technology.
So, why integrate this stuff into products that- I guess- are predominantly bought by people looking for more natural solutions.
I can only hope that the Luna sandals will not adopt this questionable fad.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blogger Elin Håkansson said...

Hi Ted!
Where can I buy these sandals? I live in Stockholm Sweden...
And also...thanks for all the inspiration you have given me!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blogger Andre LeFort said...

OOooo, a factory tour would be a blast. I'll have to keep that in mind if I end up in that neck of the woods! Cheers.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anonymous share the love subaru said...

share the love subaru

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011


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